bifrost weekly
Összes hír
1st Liquidity Release Scenario, vsKSM Lightning Redeem to go live in next upgrade | Weekly Report 70
Introduction In Bifrost’s bid for the first Kusama Parachains, 142,430.92 KSM of support was accumulated, of which 136,816.20 KSM was contributed fro
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
SALP integrates Zenlink Slot Vault to support Kusama Crowdloan | Weekly Report 69
Introduction The SALP function is gradually being launched. It was upgraded through Runtime v0.9.0 in the referendum on 9/13, and SALP’s vsKSM & vsBo
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Bifrost has successfully removed the Sudo module by referendum | Weekly Report 68
Introduction Bifrost initiated the proposal to remove the Sudo referendum and voted on and implemented it on 13 September 2021, with a total of 80,32
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Bifrost Council & Tech Committee is now established | Weekly Report 67
Introduction Bifrost has released v0.8.4, which will support bi-directional asset cross-chaining between Kusama and Bifrost, with KSM being interchan
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Kusama prop. #129 Passes, Bifrost SALP to Decentralize Slot Bidding Contribution | Weekly Report 66
Introduction Bifrost Runtime has been upgraded to the new v0.8.3 release, which opens the Democracy, Council, Treasury, Bounty and Tech.comm. modules
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Bifrost Runtime Upgrade v0.8.2, vsKSM, vsBond Distribution Completed | Weekly Report 65
Introduction Bifrost has successfully minted 112,303 vsKSM and vsBond in the Kusama slot auction via SALP, for a total of 45,190 holding addresses. F
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Bifrost has completed Phase 0 of its decentralised mainnet implementation path | Weekly Report 64
Development Bifrost Node Bifrost Runtime upgrade v0.8.1 farming moudle dev & testing BNC distribute script vesting moudle update reproduce and t
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Bifrost Dapp launched BNC record query function, Weekly Report 63
Bifrost records query is now live on July 31, with BNC rewards details available through BNC is expected to be distributed on-chain th
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Bifrost Parachain mainnet is live, Collator has been upgraded to version 0.9.8 | Weekly Report 62
Development Bifrost Node SALP test Fix SALP asset issue SALP 2.01 Ksm slot module adds auction page and crowdload page update SALP ksm slot api d
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Kusama’s first batch of auctions are about to end, and Bifrost may win the 5th | Weekly Report 61
Foreword At present, Bifrost Kusama slot auction has received 139,335 KSM contribution from 5,057 addresses, of which 133,846 KSM voted for the Kusam
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Bifrost upgraded to v0.9.8 and successfully produced blocks in Westend | Weekly Report 60
Foreword In the past two weeks, Kusama Parachain Auction has entered the fierce stage of the 4th slot auction. Bifrost team mainly focused on the dev
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Bifrost SALP and DEX Modules Coming to Asgard CC4 for Public Beta Testing | Weekly Report 59
Foreword Bifrost is currently launching two protocols, SLP and SALP, which will enable fully decentralized derivatives minting through Kusama/Polkado
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Over 20,000 KSMs have been successfully voted to Bifrost Crowdloan, Weekly Report 58
Development Bifrost Node & Runtime Resolving Zenlink RPC type resolution issues Tracking xcm-related issues salp-contribute polkadot customizatio
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Ranked fourth, Bifrost’s parachain auction has been supported by 13,265 KSM, weekly report 57
Foreword Bifrost has successfully started the official bidding phase of Kusama, has received 13,265.1137 KSM support, and temporarily ranks fourth am
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Bifrost’s official bidding time will be announced on June 10th | Weekly Report 56
Preface Bifrost Kusama slot auction reservation will end at 19:00 UTC+8 on June 9th, 4 hours left to the end of reservation. The official slot auctio
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Bifrost Dapp v2.0.1 version is under testing | Weekly Report 55
Development Bifrost Dapp Increase address copy Increase Recent activity MenuList related bug fix Cooperate with bifrost.js type upgrade test Che
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Over 36,000 KSM Addresses Reserved for Bifrost Kusama Slot Auction | Weekly Report 54
Development Bifrost Dapp Migrate the domain name to Type update, data repair SALP Module Market Table SALP component function and style
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Bifrost Dapp Beta will be released on April 13, Weekly Report 49
Development Bifrost Dapp Bifrost subql api upgrade Deploy telegram-faucet Optimization result callbacks Asset amount too small issue Real-time b
SiriusLee | PromoTeam