

Összes hír

Latest refunded crowdloans redemption is open !


Bifrost has Secured Slot #61 of Polkadot Crowdloan! 🌈🎉

Bifrost has Secured Slot #61 of Polkadot Crowdloan! 🌈🎉

We have extended the lease on our current parachain's slot, two months before its expiration, ensuring uninterrupted access to the protocol's services


Bifrost is supporting Equilibrium Polkadot Crowdloan! 💠

Bifrost is supporting Equilibrium Polkadot Crowdloan! 💠

Through Bifrost's SALP, users can contribute directly to the crowdloan and receive 20+ $Q and $vsDOT, that can be redeemed for liquidity if needed.💧


Bifrost and Equilibrium opened HRMP channels for future asset interoperability support

Bifrost and Equilibrium opened HRMP channels for future asset interoperability support

We are delighted to announce that HRMP (XCMP-Lite) channels have been opened between Bifrost and Equilibrium on Polkadot ecosystem. This represents th


The Equilibrium Live Contest is Here! Registration is Open 🔥

The Equilibrium Live Contest is Here! Registration is Open 🔥

We’re excited to announce the Equilibrium Live Contest! After going live we’ll run a competition allowing our community to test its skills and earn ge


Insurance Pool: Amazing Use Case For Wrappers/LP Tokens

Insurance Pool: Amazing Use Case For Wrappers/LP Tokens

Wrappers and LP tokens provide solutions to various challenges in the cryptocurrency market. Wrapped tokens exist to solve interoperability issues by


Exploring EQ Token Utilities: Why It’s a Long-Term Hold

Exploring EQ Token Utilities: Why It’s a Long-Term Hold

Equilibrium’s mission remains to make DeFi even more incredible by continuously enhancing user experience, ending liquidity fragmentation, and offerin
