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Subsocial Advisors: Samuel Häfner
This is the third part of a series of articles interviewing our advisors. These esteemed individuals have helped the Subsocial team in a massive way,
Yung Beef 4.2
November 2021 In Review
Dotsama Token Claim: Round 4 At the beginning of November, we finished up The Dotsama Token Claim with our final round. In total, across all four rou
Yung Beef 4.2
Subsocial Advisors: JAM
This is the second in a series of articles interviewing our advisors. These esteemed individuals have helped the Subsocial team in a massive way, and
Yung Beef 4.2
Subsocial Advisors: Edward Thomson
This is the first in a series of articles interviewing our advisors. These esteemed individuals have helped the Subsocial team in a massive way, and w
Yung Beef 4.2