Vote for the best topics of Polkadot Decoded, Dec 3, 2020

Vote for the best topics of Polkadot Decoded, Dec 3, 2020

Share what you think about Polkadot Decoded online conference in comments. Vote for the best topics. You can find them in comments!

Join us at our booth on July 11th to dive into Liquid Staking and more! 🌈


Bevezető a Polkadot Ecosystem-be, 2. rész

Bevezető a Polkadot Ecosystem-be, 2. rész

Walletek és bővítmények Fontos! Mindig járj el kellő gondossággal, amikor utánanézel az alábbiakban felsorolt pénztárcáknak (walleteknek), és amik


🚀 Exciting news!

🚀 Exciting news!

Bifrost App is now integrated with Mimir SDK, unlocking new possibilities for multisig users: 1\. Cross-chain transfers 2\. vDOT mint 3\. Yield Far


🗳 Governance update #2 🪙 PolkaDex

🗳 Governance update #2 🪙 PolkaDex

Our busy Tyrone pushed another proposal to add a vDOT/DOT pair to Polkadex Orderbook for voting as Referendum #21. If the referendum passes, Bifrost'
