Only 47 Hours Left To Enter The Kusama Derby!

Only 47 Hours Left To Enter The Kusama Derby!

There are only 2 days left to enter the #KusamaDerby! 🚹

If you haven't made your prediction on our testnet launch market, The Kusama Derby, you're running out of time. ⏰

Make your prediction on who will win the first Kusama parachain auctions in the link below via our Gleam campaign.

After the Gleam campaign closes, users who entered can still make numerous predictions, but there will be no NEW users allowed to take part. ⛔

Secure your entrance asap via this link here 👉 https://gleam.io/xvJqp/kusama-parachain-derby-win-ztg

Bifrost at Blockchain Week Rome 🏛


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