Kusama Dragons: KSM distribution program

Kusama Dragons: KSM distribution program

Today a new chapter aimed at utility begins for KusamaDragons. From now on, each Dragon Holder will receive a KSM distribution on a % of the sum in KSM used for the purchase of the NFT every 4 months starting from the original sale. This is valid only for 1st purchase.

More specifically:

A sum ranging from 40-60% of the purchase price of the Dragon (depending on the rarity of the Dragon) will be staked on KSM.

The team undertakes to NEVER lower the APY below the one obtainable through the classic staking on KSM.

The APY will be used in this way:

70% of the resulting sum will be given directly to the holder every quarter; •30% will be allocated to the creation of the Kusama Dragon Treasury, with the idea of using this wallet over the years for initiatives aimed at the total interest and benefit of the community, such as Lotteries, purchase of nft from other collections and giving away tok dragon holders, etc.

To summarize:

•Each LIMITED Dragon is connected to a passive income based on the 40% of the purchase price of the Dragon.

•70% goes to the Dragon holder; •30% goes to Kusama Dragon Treasury;

•Each RARE Dragon is connected to a passive income based on the 50% of the purchase price of the Dragon.

•70% goes to the Dragon holder; •30% goest to Kusama Dragon Treasury;

•Each ULTRA RARE Dragon is connected to a passive income based on the 55% of the purchase price of the Dragon.

•70% goes to the Dragon holder; •30% goest to Kusama Dragon Treasury;

•Each LEGENDARY Dragon is connected to a passive income based on the 60% of the purchase price of the Dragon.

•70% goes to the Dragon holder; •30% goest to Kusama Dragon Treasury

Heti hírek a Kusama és Polkadot ökoszisztémából


Heti hírek a Kusama és Polkadot ökoszisztémából

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